Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Ringtones BB OS 5 & OS 6

Bagi ada yang membutuhkan ringtones bawaan blackberry buat di simpen di memory card supaya bisa di shrink ringtonesnya bisa download link di bawah ini.

- Ringtones OS6
- Ringtones OS5

Mejeng ah

Shrink OS6 Extreme by BBHybridsTool & Delete Manual COD

Shrink OS6 Extreme by BBHybridsTool & Delete Manual COD

- Jangan lupa untuk backup selalu data BB anda
- Buka software BBHybridsTool, kemudian ceklis seperti gambar di bawah

- Klik tombol shrink
- Selanjutnya masuk ke folder JAVA di komputer dimana kita menginstal OS bb kita, semisal
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\9800M_v6.0.0.337_P6.4.0.142\Java
- Cari file-file di bawah ini kemudian hapus manual/delete

File-file yang harus di hapus :
Selain shrink VAD dan languages...
Hapus semua yg berbau:

- podcast

- youtube

- myspace

- Themes

- dynamic_transcoding

- slacker_radio.cod
- SlackerRadio_v60_hires.cod
- net_rim_speech_data_en_US.cod


- errortranslator_tmobile

-Media Kit (Enable Sample Music, Video, Toolkit and Accessibilitty for BlackBerry Operating System 6)

-Activated Search Feature(nable Search Feature for BlackBerry Operating System 6)

-Activated RingTones OS

-Activated RingTones OS 5

-Enable Sample Backgrounds for BlackBerry Operating System 6

-Enable Avatar BlackBerry Messenger for BlackBerry Operating System 6

- Other
net_rim_errortranslator_tmobile.cod dan teman2nya...

nabsyncnet_rim_bb_nabsync.cod dan teman2nya...

Setelah semua beres lakukan WIPE Device menggunakan JL_Cammcoder/BMCP/BBSAK
Setelah itu baru reloade OS dengan mendouble klik LOADER.EXE yang terdapat di folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader

Selamat mencoba :D

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Shrink-OS Extreme OS6

Aplikasi yang di perlukan download di bawah ini :

tandati seperti gambar diatas lalu klik tombol

selanjutnya masuk ke folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\9700M_v6.0.0.344_P6.6.0.50\Java

Cari Podcast kemudian delete

Kemudian cari Myspace dan delete

Kemudian cari dan hapus yang di warnain biru:

Kemudian Hapus juga :

Perhatian : Not for Newbie. Jangan tiru trik ini bila Anda tidak berani. Resiko ditanggung sendiri!!!, dan karena semua ringtone akan terhapus, pastikan Anda memiliki ringtone di SD card

download ringtones blackberry di bawah ini :

Selamat mencoba :D

Senin, 01 November 2010

vnbbUtils v2.0.2.0 – Desktop Utilities for Blackberry (All-in-One utility)

This is version of vnbbUtils with many improvement (higher performance, more features and new user interface …)

New features in v2.0.2.0:
- IP Modem: for people who still prefer to use BDM 5.0.0 or lower (from BDM 5.0.1 and later have already had IP Modem)

- Added and improved:
+ Screen Capture: add video recording function and allows to save images in various formats (PNG, JPG, BMP & Copy to Clipboard).
+ Download OTA really like you do on the BB Browser, lets you download the software for your BB easily.
+ To change the position of some buttons for more friendly.

New features in v2.0.1.9:
- Quick Install: After vnbbUtils v2.0.1.9 installed, you can install the JAD file, CODs files directly from Windows Explorer. Just right click on the JAD file or COD files (can select multiple files at once), would appear an item Install (vnbbUtils) in the system menu. Just click your mouse on that item, the selected files will be installed immediately into your BB (of course, BBmust be plugged into the computer first)
- Clean Garbage Flash: just as MemoryUp, Memory Booster, but with this function of vnbbUtils, it cleans even more Flash memory
- Backup / Restore applications, allows easy backup entire 3rd party applications from BB to computer (before Load OS) and restore/reinstall all of them into BB (after Load OS) quickly.
- Load OS: this function allow you select exactly which version of OS you want to install into BB, don’t need to uninstall other version, and automatically delete file vendor.xml then run Loader.exe to make sure you can Load OS from any vendor successfully.
- Reset Blackberry: Reset your Blackberry same as Battery Pull quickly. (New)

Old features but improved

* Get information of the BB that connected to your computer (automatically detecting BB is connected/disconnected to/from the computer). Providing this information for OTA Downloader and EScreen Activation code generator. Especially, it help OTA Downloader simulate the environment of your BB to download the suitable version of software with your BB model and ROM version.
* USB Driver: Install USB Driver for Blackberry. If you have not install BDM yet, Computer can not recognize your BB as an USB Drive. Only click on USB Driver button, that problem have been resolved, BDM free . This driver is only for USB Drive, not for BB device manager, so if you want using full functions of vnbbUtils, install BDM is required.
* Set Time: Synchronize system time of your BB with computer
* Generate code for the Activation of Engineering Screen
* Take a screenshot of BB Screen and save as a JPG/PNG image file on your computer, or Copy to Clipboard
* Download software for BB from OTA link to your computer. This feature has been improved superior to other OTA Download utilities, allows you to download from the site that check terminal connect to as Google, Opera Mini, mopipocket … Support download over Proxy, download from indirect link (as OTA Link provide by Mobihand). Downloaded Softwares are stored in folder vnbb\OTA\App_Name
* Create ALX file to installed by BDM. Created from JAD file or Cod files that available.
* Create JAD file to install from SDCard. JAD is created from ALX or Cod files.
* Convert JAR to COD(s): this feature allow you to convert JAR file to COD & ALX.
* Install Cod(s): lets you install software from Cod files to BB directly. But I prefer to using Install from JAD
* Install JAD: lets you install software on computer to BB from the JAD file easily and quickly. Helping people who using old BB model (do not have memory card) can install software normally without opening BDM.
* Read system modules installed in the BB then:

- Save modules. Necessary in case of backup applications or store applications installed directly from your BB Browser to computer.
- Delete unnecessary modules, optimizing memory of your BB. There is a option that allows you choose to delete these modules on computer also.
* Read the information in the Event Log
* Delete Event log to release memory.
* Wipe Device at low-level, this function help you when you want to upgrade OS
* Factory Reset: remove IT policy.


Beach themes for 9700/9600/9000/8900

Download Link
- Offline

App foursquare updated ke ver 1.9.9 melalui App World

App Foursquare kembali update ke versi 1.9.9. Sehari sebelumnya kami pernah memberitakan bahwa foursquare update ke v 1.9.8. Mungkin ini adalah perbaikan bugs dari versi sebelumnya. Silahkan download melalu app world langsung dari Blackberry anda dan diskusi mengenai aplikasi ini di forum ini.

Download : Foursquare v 1.9.9

OS Beta untuk BlackBerry Curve 9330

Download link :

* Rapidshare
* DepositFiles
* zShare

Themes for Torch 9800

Silakan klik untuk mendownload :

Window 7 Theme for Torch 9800
Ubuntu Inspired Theme for Torch 9800
Precision MBB Theme for Torch 9800
SteamPunk Theme for Torch 9800

Facebook Chat Pro

Facebook Chat Pro for BlackBerry® allows you to chat with all your Facebook friends using your BlackBerry® smartphone. Facebook Chat Pro has been modeled after the native Facebook interface, giving you a familiar look and feel for a great experience chatting with your friends.

NOTE: You must have a Facebook Username in order to login, see below!

- Shows online, idle and offline friends with profile pictures!
- Initiate a chat or respond to a chat request from a friend
- Integrated chat screen similar to BlackBerry Messenger®
- Stays connected in background
- Popup dialog, vibrate, sound and LED notification when a new chat message arrives
- Fully customizable notifications

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must login with your Facebook Username. Your email address is NOT your username. If you cannot login follow these steps:
1) Create your Facebook Username at Facebook.com under Account - Settings
2) On your Desktop Computer you must logout of Facebook.com
3) On your Desktop Computer you must login to Facebook.com to enable your Username


Yang berminat meliat jeroan bb torch 9800

Free Theme : BlackBerry Provider for 9700


Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Official BlackBerry Twitter App now in beta! Unfortunately only by invitation.

Seems the talk about RIM's official Twitter app was true indeed. It's now officially in beta and if you are lucky enough to have an invite code, you can try it out. Initial reports are that there is no icon caching which causes a little lag in changing screens. But nevertheless, it's another Twitter app to try. It's lacking in some of the features we have all become accustomed to such as profile settings for mentions. But it also has features that other clients don't. Like integration into the messages list. If you don't have an invite and want to see it in action, Adam Zeis at CrackBerry has uploaded a video of the Official BlackBerry Twitter Client in action. It looks pretty nice aesthetically. I would love to see it running on a touchscreen device. I think the extra screen space would really help out a lot.

* Got a beta invite? Download it here!
* Sign up for updates about Twitter for BlackBerry
* Check out the sneak peak at the BB Blogs

Leaked: OS for the Storm 9500

Holy crap look at this. Can you honestly tell me the last time we had a leak for the 9500? It sure has been quite a while. Somebody managed to sneak OS online for us addicts. The last month or so has been kind of like withdrawn from all the 5.0 leaks we were getting when it was in high development. So this leak kind of takes the edge away. Thank you, you kind soul for the leak.

* Download leaked OS For the 9500

Blackberry Bold Rogers

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

HulloMail Gets New And Improved Features

Back in September we told you about a new voice mail alternative application named HulloMail. Since then, the app has been updated to version 1.1.1 with lots of new and improved features. HulloMail is a voice mail alternative that allows you to exchange short audio messages without having to make a phone call. Because HulloMail is carrier and platform agnostic, you can talk to your friends in other countries free without incurring any charges. You could think of it as a better way to send voice notes. The new version features push notifications and automatic message downloads. It also has support for syncing messages with Gmail and Microsoft Exchange. HulloMail is available in both the U.S. and the U.K. The application is supported on the BlackBerry 8900, 9000, 9630, and 9700. Unfortunately for Storm users, there is no supported version.

Official: OS for the Bold 9000

A lot of you have been asking in the forums "when will we see 5.0 officially for the 9000?" Well Zain Kuwait has just released an official 5.0 OS for the 9000, version Yes it's not AT&T, but it is official rather than just a leak. But we still hope AT&T will release 5.0 officially for the 9000 sooner rather than later. Thanks to jarrod623 for the tip!

Official: OS for the 9520 Storm2 by multiple carriers

Just a few days after the EastAsia version of OS for the BlackBerry Storm 9520 was released by Celcom Malaysia, now multiple carriers are joining in. Good thing about it, we now seem to have them all, from EastAsia, multi-language, to DRM versions - and the confirmation, that many carriers obviously trust in this release.

Official: Alltel Released OS for the BlackBerry Tour 9630

A few days ago Saskatel and Telus made OS official for the BlackBerry Tour. Now today has started out with an official OS for the 9520 and I just caught sight that Alltel has became the third carrier to make OS official for the 9630. Alltel released this OS on 02/05/10.
Just goes to show that this OS is as stable as our members have said it was when it first leaked over a month ago.

Official: OS for the 9520 BlackBerry Storm2

Celcom Malaysia has released on Thursday 02/04/10 for the BlackBerry Storm2 9520.
BBOS member yhamaie says that the "Japanese Input option can be invoked" with this release.
Even if this is not your carrier, just be sure to delete the Vendor file and you shouldn't have any problems loading this OS to your device.
Thanks for the tip.
9520 users give us your take on this build. I'm sure some hybrid builders will start to post some new threads in the forums as well.
Keep the releases coming carriers. I'm putting my request in for a 9550 release. Even a leak would be nice. for 8530 officially released by Sprint

Sprint has officially released for the 8530. Me personally I am on the "ok this is depressing" train because it seems every other device but the 9550 is getting love from the OS Gods. Just think, soon, maybe some time this year we could possibly see a post just like this but for the 9650. HA, ok, I know I know. That's far fetched. Anyways, you can download from the Blackberry website. Enjoy!

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Vodafone Greece releases for the Blackberry Bold 9000

Thanks to a tip from one of our members Renzokuken. He has reported that Vodofone Greece has officially released

Software For BlackBerry® Bold (TM) 9000 smartphone

BlackBerry Handheld Software v5.0.0.661 (Multilanguage)

Package Version:
Consisting of:

* Applications:
* Software Platform:
* File name: 9000M_PBr5.0.0_rel661_PL5.2.0.33_A5.0.0.411_Vodafo ne_Greece.exe
* File size: 116.03MB

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.

* Download Officially Released OS from Vodophone Greece

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

iPhone Rekondisi

yang pasti kita cm bisa cek dari fisik, Salah satu dari Point dibawah apabila meragukan, dapat pertanda potensial iPhone Refublish :

Note : Refublish bukan hanya 8GB saja !!!

1. S/N & IMEI, cocokan dari Software iPhone (cek di Setting - General - About) dengan di belakang body iPhone & box iPhone.
Note : Font S/N & IMEI yang ditulis dengan Craft Laser harap diperhatikan.

2. Khusus IMEI, karena dapat di-ubah dengan software, mau test IMEI tsb asli?
hapus dahulu baseband-nya, lalu restore kembali, setelah unlock, itulah IMEI aslinya.

Kondisi fisik :

3. Bezel (iPhone ring) & iPhone Rear Cover harus Mulus ! - meski bisa diganti baru ama yang me-refub.

4. LCD Seal harus masih rapi (meski dapat di-seal kembali)

5. Earphone Cable, Cable Data & Docking harus bersih & dalam seal plastic (kalo kotor, berarti bekas pakai)
Note : Earphone iPhone ada microphone-nya

6. BOX juga harus diperhatikan, sticker tulisan S/N & IMEI yang original dari Apple adalah putih keabu2an, bukan putih sekali.

Sharing aja, belum lama ini saya pernah dapat barang refub, kebetulan beberapa kasar sekali refub-nya, saya hampir tertipu karena buru2 & ruko mereka cukup gelap. Setelah diperhatikan ditempat terang, cukup jelas & saya akan ulas. Sempat saya foto, tapi nanti saya belum sempat transfer & resize dari PC saya. (ini dari notebook :p)
- Beberapa LCD seal sudah tidak rapi (terlihat ditempel ulang)
- Beberapa S/N & IMEI ngaco, alias tidak sama antara sofware iPhone dengan S/N & IMEI yang tertulis di body belakang iPhone. (beberapa juga beda dgn box)
- S/N iPhone banyak yang ngaco, S/N iPhone ada artinya.
- Beberapa Sticker S/N & IMEI iPhone di box iPhone Palsu ! Font warna Putih sekali, berbeda dengan Box iPhone asli yang berwarna putih keabu2an.
- Ada Earphone yang adalah Earphone iPod (tanpa Microphone)
- Cable Data bukan original Cable data iPhone.
- Beberapa Box palsu alias dibuat sendiri (posisi logo iTunes salah)

7. iPhone Rear Case ! harus mulus (perhatikan pinggir list-nya, batas dengan Bezel !)
- Yang ini kebetulan saya pernah dapat, semua original, tapi Rear Case-nya terlihat bekas dibongkar, batas Rear Case dengan Bezel tidak terlalu rapat.
orang awam mungkin tidak tahu, tapi kalau diperhatikan dengan seksama apalagi dibandingkan dengan yang betul2 baru & original-nya, beda !

iPhone PALSU!

iPhone PALSU!

Bagian bawah iPhone 2G or 3G ASLI untuk DOCK dan CHARGER lebih LEBAR seperti socket Apple iPod. Sedangakan lubang CHARGER iPhone PALSU kebanyakan seperti lubang USB Kecil.

NGAT secar dimensi keseluruhan iPhone Asli dan Tiruan adalah sama, kecuali yanga memiliki DUAL SIM CARD agak tebal.

PERHATIKAN LAYAR SENTUHNYA. Apple iPhone ASLI memiliki layar yang lebar hampir berdempetan dengan tombol BACK iPhone.

Sedangakan yang tiruan hanya menggunakan layar sentuh sebesar PDA pada umumnya.

Bila anda masih ragu keaslian produk Apple iPhone anda atau yang hendak anda beli di toko, anda bisa email di iphonejakarta@yahoo.com atau SMS or CALL di 0812 1097 8925, bila waktu memungkinkan saya akan mencoba membantu anda.

Pertama, antara iPhone yang asli dengan yang buatan cina akan terlihat apabila kita buka aplikasinya. Jika kita lihat di Iphone yang asli ada aplikasi seperti iTunes, Maps, App Store dan lainnya..
sedangkan pada iPhone cina tidak terdapat itu, bahkan hanya ada aplikasi yang berbahasa mandarin dengan tulisan2 huruf2 kanji...

Kedua, pada layar kaca touchscreen di iPhone yang asli jika disentuh akan terasa lebih keras dibandingkan dengan iPhone buatan dari cina.
Klo buatan cina layarnya jika disentuh akan terasa empuk dan terasa seperti menyentuh plastik.

Ketiga, slide screen yang dimiliki iPhone untuk berpindah dari satu halaman ke halaman lain.
Jika kita lihat iPhone buatan cina, perpindahan screen dari satu halaman ke halaman lain hanya terjadi satu kali perpindahan saja (apabila di slide menggunakan jari).
Berbeda dengan iPhone yang asli, jika di slide dengan jari 1 kali saja, perpindahan dari halaman menu satu ke halaman menu yang lainnya akan lebih mudah seperti menggunakan trackball pada BlackBerry.

Keempat, dilihat dari logo iPhone. Yang asli akan terlihat warna logo iPhonenya putih ke abu-abuan, bukan putih sekali atau abu-abu saja..

Kelima, dilihat dari kelengkapannya, gw pernah ngedapetin iPhone yang terlalu lengkap, seperti ada touchpen dan speaker (yang sebenarnya speakernya dijual terpisah).

Keenam, apa bila sebelum membeli, cek garansinya, dan apabila anda membeli iPhone 2nd, maka mintalah garansi toko atau sejenisnya, lalu lakukan pengecekan ulang terhadap iPhone anda ke Macbook atau PC anda melalui iTunes, dan sharing ke orang yang bener2 mengerti...

Ketujuh, selamat berbelanja iPhone, dan semoga informasi yang sedikit ini bisa bermanfaat lebih buat kalian....

Post : MAC

Official: OS for the Storm 9500

A few days ago Vodafone Australia & Fiji started releasing OS for the Storm 9500, but only through Destkop Manager. Thanks to filobus74 for the tip that the new version is now available to download from the BlackBerry web site. Haven't heard much yet about this new version, so be sure to let us know in our findings and fixes thread.

* Download Officially Released OS from Vodafone Australia & Fiji

[WTS] Blackberry Bold Muluzzzzz